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Romberg and Sharpened Romberg Tests
The Romberg test is used to detect a disturbance of proprioception. This test is also called the Romberg’s sign or the Romberg manoeuvre.
Ask the patient to stand with their feet together and arms folded across their chest. Remain close at hand in case the patient begins to fall.
Normally, the patient should be able to maintain this position with little or no swaying.
Now ask the patient to close their eyes. The patient should be able to maintain this position with only a small increase in swaying. If the patient sways excessively or begins to fall, it is considered a positive Romberg sign indicating a problem with proprioception either from Peripheral neuropathy or a disease of the posterior columns.
To test for a more subtle deficiency of proprioception, a variation called the Sharpened Romberg test can be performed. This test is also called the Tandem Romberg test. In this variation, the test is performed with the patient standing heel to toe.
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