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Snapping Hip Tests
This video presents 2 testing procedures to determine extra-articular causes of a snapping hip.
To test if the iliopsoas tendon is the cause of the snapping hip, palpate over the anterior hip and instruct the patient to first move their hip into flexion, abduction and external rotation, followed by extension and internal rotation.
A snapping sensation felt directly over the anterior hip is consistent with an iliopsoas snapping hip caused by its tendon moving over the iliopectineal eminence, femoral head, or lesser trochanter. It is important to note that this test may also produce a similar finding with acetabular labral tears.
To test if the iliotibial band, gluteus maximus tendon or tensor fascia lata are the causes of the snapping hip, palpate over the greater trochanter and extend the hip and move it into internal and external rotation.
A snapping sensation felt directly over the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter is consistent with the iliotibial band, gluteus maximus tendon or tensor fascia lata snapping hip caused by their movement over the greater trochanter.
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